“And who do we have here?” — Gert the Mountain Troll


We offer a variety of table-top roleplaying games including but not limited to Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, Monster of the Week, and The Wildings!

With the guidance of their Game Master, your child will explore developed and elaborate lands filled with magic and mayhem alongside their new friends as characters they’ve created together.  Our games begin at $30 dollars for a single session and we offer monthly subscription and package options.

We encourage a character creation and development session alongside our short and long-term campaigns. We facilitate games for all ages beginning at eight years old with a variety of content tailored with care for our younger to more mature parties!

If you’re a parent registering, please go over our Code of Conduct with your child to ensure they have an excellent adventure. Character creation sessions are a requirement for young adventurers.

There are now weekly opportunities to learn games outside of Dungeons & Dragons as well, including Monster of the Week, Call of Cthulhu, and Mouse Guard to name a few. This weekly exploration of different kinds of roleplaying games showcases the range and diversity the medium has, to inspire their own game development interests. Offerings for these particular games will be available in August.

Meet Our Gamemasters »
Frequently Asked Questions (Coming Soon)
Code of Conduct for Parents»