Jennifer Giordano
My favorite thing is creating open worlds filled with magic and fantasy for my players to explore! I like a good mix of roleplay, puzzles and of course, combat… although some of my favorite games have been combat free!
In my role of game master, one of my favorite RPG games was loosely based on the Studio Ghibli movie “Howl’s Moving Castle” in which a band of players work together to restore peace to a war torn fantasy realm while having to keep the promise they made to the elder guardian at the start of the campaign. Twists and turns, moral dilemmas and lots of laughter… these are the game themes I look forward to sharing with TDC’s RPG players.
Riley Seaman-Woodsworth
I think heroic would be a good term for how I run D&D, as I put players up against overwhelming odds and expect them to find unique ways to overcome them. I never have just one way things can be accomplished and love to reward players for creative solutions.
My adventures are focused on the story and importance of events rather than the frequency of combat. Although combat is always an option, my players should beware that there may be things they have missed without investigating - giving their enemies the upper hand. My favorite game outside of D&D is Call of Cthulhu, where I typically facilitate a more realistic and modern setting that is not always horror or mythos related.
Connor Watson
I believe we are all Players in the game with different roles and one of the key responsibilities of my role as Game Master is to work with the group to tell the story of their characters and have fun doing it in a friendly and safe setting. My games will turn genres inside out, break standards, and twist tropes. I encourage my table to tell a variety of stories that explore different ideas and even different genres, sometimes even in the same game. Every session should bring new exciting social interactions, combat, puzzles, or roleplaying opportunities for the group to explore, creating possibilities to look forward to in the next game session. I want the characters to be the heroes of the story we tell!
Genres and games I like to play are; Fantasy (D&D, Ryuutama), Sci-fi (Cyberpunk, X-Plorers) and Star Wars.